elastics (rubber bands)

Elastics (Rubber Bands)

Wearing elastics (or rubber bands) improves the fit of your upper and lower teeth. Wear rubber bands as instructed, and remember that the rubber bands work far more efficiently if they're worn as prescribed.


elastics (rubber bands)

Habit Appliance

Habit appliances are devices that are most commonly used to help youngsters stop sucking their thumbs. Habit appliances are also known as habit breaking appliances or crib appliances. Most are metal devices that are placed on the inside of the front teeth and can look like metal retainers. Some habit breaking devices can be removed, like retainers, and some are glued into place and cannot be removed. Habit breaking appliances are often held in place by the upper molars. Habit breaking appliances can both physically stop the bad habit and can serve as a reminder to not partake in the bad habit.

The main purpose of habit appliances is to stop toddlers from sucking their thumbs. However, some adults also have habit appliances inserted to stop them from tongue-thrusting. The goal of habit appliances, beyond breaking bad habits like tongue-thrusting and thumb-sucking, is to prevent individuals from positioning their teeth in odd and unnatural positions that may lead to an open bite, an overbite, or protruding teeth. Habit appliances can also prevent the teeth from aligning in bad positions.


palatal expander

Leaf Spring Self-Activated Expander

The Leaf Spring Activated Expander from Leone is an evolution in design from the spring-loaded expander, designed with the technical and scientific collaboration of Dr. Claudio Lanteri and Mr. Filippo Francolini. Its small size body and two Nickel Titanium Memoria® leaf springs allow the release of calibrated and continuous forces to promote the dental expansion of the maxillary arch.  

The metal framework is 3D printed for the most predictable and accurate fit. The simple two appointment process starts with a scan at the first appointment and then delivery on the following date. No need for separators!


elastics (rubber bands)

Lower Lingual Arch (LLA)

The lower lingual holding arch (LLA) is a space maintaining appliance. It consists of two metal bands attached to the lower first molars connected by a wire that runs along the inside of your lower teeth. The purpose of this appliance is to prevent your lower molars from moving forward. The LLA is not removable.


elastics (rubber bands)


Orthodontists use a variety of specialized appliances to treat specific orthodontic issues. Some of these appliances—such as the Nance holding arch—are used to preserve space in the dental arches. The dental arch is the curved structure that contains teeth, gums, and supporting bone. Every human has two dental arches—an upper arch and a lower arch.

The Nance Holding Arch is a space maintainer used in the upper jaw. The device itself is comprised of a few parts, which include:

  • Two stainless steel rings (called bands) that are fixed to the upper six-year molars with orthodontic cement
  • A stainless-steel wire that runs around the roof of the mouth (palate) and connects the two bands
  • An acrylic plate (called a button) that covers a portion of the wire, gently resting against the roof of the mouth

elastics (rubber bands)

Quad Helix

A quad helix is used to correct a few different orthodontic problems. Some of those problems can include:

  • A posterior crossbite
  • Narrow or constricted upper arch
  • Crowding of the upper teeth



Positioners complete the final tooth movements in your orthodontic treatment. With your full cooperation, you should only need to wear the positioner appliance for four to eight weeks.




Retainers may be removable or fixed. They hold your teeth in their new, correct positions after your teeth have been straightened. Your orthodontist will instruct you on how to care for your retainer and about the duration of the wear. Wearing your retainer as directed is crucial to prevent regression of your treatment.



Separators or Spacers

Separators are little rubber doughnuts that may be placed between your teeth to push them apart so that orthodontic bands may be placed during your next appointment. The separators will be removed before we place the bands. Separators do not mix well with sticky foods, toothpicks, or floss.